The first reciprocal reception of 「Mr. Socrates」 is held tonight、and it’s the main reason why I was there. Wow~it’s like only 3 months since I saw Raewon in TW in August、but I felt so nervous and excited again…cant wait to see prince again and the awesome movie which I waited for so long! XD
OK…I invited my Korean friend Roseann to watch the movie with me、then we can go have a drink after the movie. Before the movie starts、Roseann went buy popcorns and cokes downstairs、and I waited her in front of the gate. But TOO BAD~~~~how unfortunately I was!!!!!!! cant believe that super lucky Roseann would see raewon passing in front of her!!! OHOH…plz kill me、how I wish I was there buying snacks with Roseann!!!!!!! >___< and she even isn’t Raewon fan!!! (crying and running away~)
While I was super nervous waiting for raewon coming、he showed up just like a prince……@#$%CX$^#W@....cant breathe lar….I just kept staring at him without doing anything…his eyes are just dashing…all his body is shining to me、oh!god! After few minutes、they finished and prepared to go out. I cant think anything but rush in front of raewon、and called 「Raewon ssi~~~Raewon ssi~~」 he stopped his steps and looked at me!!!!!! I told him in English 「 I came from Taiwan! And here are the card and flowers for u!」 I also gave him the Taiwan version DVD of 「Love story in Harvard」. Though I only talked to him for few seconds (I guess…)、but Raewon kept looking at me very sincerely、and he seemed to be very touched and thanked me from his heart. I felt so happy that I was there. I think I will never forget his eyes at that moment、so true and sincere~~~I mustered up my courage to stretch out my hand、then his warm、soft hands shake my hands again….Orz….I felt satisfied…really…though it’s only the few minutes encounter、but it’s enough~~he is definitely the prince worthy to be loved!!!
目前分類:2005來沅王子朝聖之旅 (2)
- Jan 08 Sun 2006 22:17
2005.11.18 sharing about meeting prince
- Mar 08 Tue 2005 12:34
2/18 (Fri) from Taipei to Seoul
可憐住在高雄的我,因為經費拮据,只好坐客運上桃園機場先。一路顛簸了五小時,差點要吐出來,比預計時間早到了機場。因為白癡的失誤,又餓又累的我,只好屈服在超級昂貴的機場食物下,心一邊滴血、一邊吃著150的炒米粉跟可樂,等待著我的同伴。終於~~~坐上國泰班機前往韓國囉!!國泰的食物比想像中難吃,降臨首爾仁川機場約莫當地時間9:00PM左右。機場租了手機後,就坐shuttle bus前往下榻飯店seokyo啦! 好在我們的飯店巴士可到,很方便,才花了半小時左右就到了,車上坐我旁邊那位小姐英文不錯,很親切的告訴我們何時該下車,算是難得在當地遇到會講流利英文的人囉
下了車~~颼~~~~~好凍啊~~~突然見到一台公車上有來沅的大照片!GOD!~~當我努力把相機掏出來已經來不及了~~嗚嗚嗚嗚~~此行的遺珠之憾啊!來沅!~~~~首爾的第一眼來沅就這樣開走囉~~T_T 回飯店稍稍整理一下,就決定不要浪費時間馬上去附近逛逛了,附近的弘大站真是一個好地方,那裡的學生藝術氣息特濃,俊男美女也多,抵達時剛好是禮拜五,所以即使十點多街上依然十分熱鬧。第一站便直衝便利店,看到香蕉牛奶感動的照了好幾張相,甜甜濃濃的,想著來沅喝就更甜了,哈哈~!!! 隨意的走走逛逛,路邊買了超辣的雞肉串燒吃(好心的可愛便利店弟弟看我們那麼辣還給水喝呢!),也買了辣炒年糕回飯店享用~~明天繼續啦! 2/19 (Sat) C.O.E.X.與東大門